Tuesday, November 4, 2014

To do List

1. Go to classes
2. Finish paper
3. Rest
4. Plan boyfriend birthday dinner 

Motivation Reflection

As of now, school is not hard but I am making it hard on myself by not showing up to classes and remembering to do my homework. It's sad that the reason behind my slacking is my job. I love the money I am making so even though I know I need to ask for less hours I don't because I like the amount im collection at the end of ever week. This semester has been beyond difficult I strongly believe it's because I don't like this school. That is because at whittier college I made so many friends and here their just classmates to me. I am trying my very best to finish the year off strong even if they're just C's I'll be very satisfied. Although next semester I'm promising myself to never take another 7AM class. I also hope to take a balance of easy and hard classes. I wish my life was easier to balance so I don't have to stay at a community college for too long.